Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Ozoni

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お雑煮 御雑煮 雑煮
alternative words: Ozouni, Zoni, Zouni, Ozoni soup, Ozouni soup
keywords: food
related topics: Edo period , Mochi , New year , Osechi ryori , Miso , Kamaboko
explanation: As its name indicates, initially god's offering is cooked together after a ceremony: "zoni" means " mixed cooking". Since Edo period, it has become a popular dish along with "osechi ryori" during a new year celebration. It consists to boil "mochi" and other ingredients such as "kamaboko" (steamed fish paste) and vegetables with a soup. In eastern Japan (Kanto area), the soup is transparent (sumajijiru) while in western Japan (Kansai are), it contains white "miso" paste.

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