Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Heiankyo

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alternative words: Heian-kyo, Heian kyo, Capital Heian, Heankyo, Hean kyo, Capital Hean, Kyoto, Kyo no miyako
keywords: locality
related topics: Emperor Kanmu , Heian period , Taira no Kiyomori , Minamoto no Yoritomo , Onin war , Toyotomi Hideyoshi , Kebiishi
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explanation: Built by Emperor Kanmu in 794 following Chinese capital "Choan" as model and remained as capital during more than 1000 years until 1869 excepting a short period of Fukuhara-kyo by Taira no Kiyomori. Its size is 5.3km from north to south and 4.6 km from west to east. After the opening of Kamakura shogunat by Yoritomo, its political role had greatly diminished. During Onin war of Muromachi period, most of the districts had been burned out but restored later during Hideyoshi's period.

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