Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Senkaku islands

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Senkaku Islands

尖閣列島 尖閣諸島 魚釣島
alternative words: Senkaku Island, Senkakuretto, Senkaku-retto, Senkaku Retto, Tiaoyutai, Tiaoyutai Island, Tiaoyutai Islands
keywords: island , okinawa , territorial dispute
related topics: Okinawa Prefecture
related web sites: ,
explanation: A group of tiny islands on the north of Ishigaki island in East Chinese Sea. It has become the subject of a bitter political dispute between Japan, China and Taiwan because of a possible petroleum and natural gas reservoir around islands. It is under de facto Japanese control but no body is living there. Its total surface is 6.3 km2.

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