Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: Madeleine church

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Madeleine church

French words: Sainte Marie-Madeleine , Eglise de la Madeleine
alternative words: Madeleine temple, Sainte Marie Madeleine
keywords: church , paris , tourist resort
related topics: Concorde square , Paris Opera
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located near Faux-Bourg Saint Honore Street, between Paris Opera and Place de la Concorde, the reconstruction of Madeleine church was decided in 1757, by replacing a small old church. Due to repeated architect and regime changes, the construction stagnated and achieved finally in 1842 during the reign of Louis Philippe, into a Greco-Roman style church with majestic colonnades. Everyday excepting for Monday, a flower market is organized around the place. The famous delicatessen shop, Fauchon is in north.

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