Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: Gare du Nord

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Gare du Nord

French words: Gare du Nord
alternative words: North station, North railroad station, Northern station, Gare du nord station, Paris North station
keywords: building , paris , transport
related topics: TGV , Paris subway , RER , Eurostar , SNCF , Lille
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in northern Paris, the station "Gare du Nord" was built in 1846 in order to serve the northern France like Lille and Amiens, and London. Becoming quickly too small, it was enlarged between 1861-1865 by Jacques Hittorff as architect who put 23 statues on the front, each representing a destination city. In 1906-1908, the subway which links the north and south Paris arrived. The line B of RER for De Gaulle airport was opened in 1981. The northern TGV and Eurostar have been served there since 1993-1994.

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