Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: Gare Montparnasse

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Gare Montparnasse

French words: Gare Montparnasse
alternative words: Montparnasse station, Montparnasse railroad station, Gare Montparnasse station
keywords: building , paris , transport
related topics: Montparnasse tower , TGV , Paris subway , SNCF
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Located in southern Paris, the station "Gare Montparnasse" was built in 1840 at the end of Rennes street with the name of "Gare de l'Ouest". Becoming quickly too small, it was replaced by the architect Victor Lenoir between 1848-1852. In 1895, an arriving locomotive fell from the 2nd floor to the street. The old station had survived until 1960's when a skyscraper "Montparnasse tower" and a new station hundreds meters backward were built by a new urbanization. Since 1990, Atlantic TGV has been served there.

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