Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: Fontainebleau castle

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Fontainebleau castle

French words: Château de Fontainebleau , Palais de Fontainebleau
alternative words: Fontainebleau palace, Fontainebleau, Chateau Fontainebleau
keywords: castle , human heritage , paris suburb , tourist resort
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explanation: Located 50km south east of Paris, military camps always settled at Fontainebleau and many French kings stayed there for a hunting pleasure. Though a royal manor already existed since 12th century, the French king, Francois 1st transformed it in 16th century to a large Renaissance style castle with an aid of Italian artists. Napoleon Bonaparte preferring Fontainebleau to Versailles, he received Pope Pius VII there to be sacred in 1804. He also gave farewell to his guards there in 1814 before exiling to Elba.

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