Online dictionary of Afghanistan war: Soviet invasion

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Soviet invasion

alternative words: Russian invasion, Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Russian invasion of Afghanistan, Soviet Afghan conflict, Soviet Afghan war
keywords: communism , event
related topics: PDPA , Muhammad Taraki , Hafizollah Amin , Babrak Karmal , Najibullah Ahmadzai , Mujahideen
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Pro soviet regime led by Taraki was collapsed by a putsch of Amin in September 1979. In a bad term with his nationalist stance, Brezhnev decided to invade Afghanistan in December 1979 with 80,000 men to replace Amin with more manageable Karmal. But in spite of an aid of soviet troops, the communist regime was unable to subdue Mujahideen backed by Pakistan and USA. Due to a huge loss (13,000 soldiers killed), Gorbachev evacuated soviet troops from Afghanistan in 1988-89.

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