Online dictionary of Afghanistan war: Najibullah Ahmadzai

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Babrak Karmal

Babrak Karmal
alternative words: Karmal, Najibullah Ahmadzai
keywords: communism , famous person , statesman
related topics: Hafizollah Amin , PDPA , Saur revolution
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Born in 1929 in Kabul as son of an army general. He was an active communist student at Kabul university. As founder member of PDPA in 1965, he led Parcham faction. After Saur revolt of 1978, he became foreign minister but left soon the cabinet due to a conflict with Khalq faction. After the assassination of Amin in late 1979, he became the president of Afghanistan thanks to a Russian support but due his nationalist stance, he was replaced by Najibullah. He died in 1996 of liver disease.

Najibullah Ahmadzai

Najibullah Ahmadzai
alternative words: Najibullah, Dr Najibullah
keywords: communism , famous person , statesman
related topics: Kabul , Hafizollah Amin , Saur revolution
related web sites: ,
explanation: Born in 1947 in a merchant family of Kabul. Active communist student, he was graduated at a medical college. After Saur revolt of 1978, which brought communists into power, he was appointed ambassador in Iran. After an assassination of president Hafizullah Amin in 1979, he became the head of KHAD (Afghan secret service) then the president of Afghanistan in 1986. He took the refuge in UN compound of Kabul when Mujahideen arrived in 1992. He was executed by Taliban in 1996.

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