Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: magazine

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Big comic

alternative words: Bigcomic
keywords: magazine , title
related topics: Shogakukan
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explanation: Magazine published by Shogakukan since April 1968. When manga readers of the first generation had reached university colleges or begun to work, it happened that they continued to love manga. For that reason, Shogakukan decided to release a new manga magazine destined to bit older public. Initially monthly, it is now weekly. The most famous manga published by this magazine is Golgo 13 (a spy action) of Takao Saito, for it continues to appear for more than 30 years!


keywords: magazine , title
related topics: Sanpei Shirato , Legend of kamui , Shigeru Mizuki , Yoshiharu Tsuge , Nejishiki
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explanation: Magazine created by Katsuichi Nagai in September 1964, in order to publish "Legend of Kamui" of Sanpei Shirato. It is destined to advanced manga readers and of which interests are to promote sophisticated drawing technique and quality scenario rather than commercial ones. Once "Legend of kamui" finished, the magazine began to have financial difficulty and was bought by another company. Shigeru Mizuki and Yoshiharu Tsuge have been "discovered" by this magazine.


keywords: magazine , title
related topics: Kodansha , Princess knight , Sailormoon , Card captor Sakura
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explanation: Monthly manga magazine for girls published by Kodansha. The first issue dates in December 1954. As mangas which have become popular on this magazine, we can quote "Princess knight", "Sailormoon" and "Card captor Sakura". Nokayoshi means "to be friend" in Japanese.

Shonen Jump

alternative words: Shounen Jump, Shoonen Jump, Jump, Shonen jampu, Shonen janpu
keywords: magazine , manga , title
related topics: Shueisha , High school Kimengumi , Dragon Ball , Ruroni kenshin , City hunter
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explanation: One of the most important manga magazines in Japan. When it was at the top, its circulation had reached 6 million copies, thanks to star mangaka like Aikra Toriyama of Dragon Ballou and Motoei Shinzawa of High school Kimengumi.. Now, because of a lack of hits, its circulation is only 4 millions but still remains impressive. There exist a weekly edition (Shukan Shonen Jump) and a monthly one (Gekkan Shonen Jump).

Shonen Magazine

alternative words: Shounen Magazine, Shoonen Magazine
keywords: magazine , title
related topics: Kodansha , Shonen Sunday , Ashita no Joe
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explanation: The most important manga magazine in Japan with a circulation of more than 4.5 million copies. It is a weekly magazine published by Kodansha et its first issue dated March 17, 1959 as its rival, Shonen Sunday.

Shonen Sunday

alternative words: Shonensunday, Shonen-sunday, Shonensande, Shounen Sunday, Shounensunday, Shounen-sunday
keywords: magazine , title
related topics: Shogakukan , Detective Conan , Ranma 1/2 , Osomatsukun
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explanation: One of the most important weekly manga magazines, published by Shogakukan. Its first issue appeared on March 17, 1959, at the same time as its rival, Shonen Magazine. Among mangas which has become popular on this magazine, we can quote Osomatsukun of "Fujio Akatsuka" and Ranma 1/2 of "Rumiko Takahashi". Currently, "Detective Conan" is under publication on this magazine.

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