Linear motor trainリニアカー リニアモータカーalternative words: Maglev train, Linear train, Linear car, Linear motor car keywords: railroad , research center related topics: Shinkansen , Miyazaki prefecture , Yamanashi prefecture related web sites: , explanation: In order to make up for a forthcoming saturation of Tokaido Shinkansen line, the government launched studies of a new transport system based on magnetic levitation. After having reached 300 km/h with small size vehicle on an experimental line located in Miyazaki prefecture, full scale experiments began on Yamanshi experimental line near Tokyo in April 1997. In December 1997, a vehicle reached 531 km/h and in April 1999, 552 km/h (world record). Reliability test still continues. Rokkasho Village六ヶ所村alternative words: Rokkashomura village, Rokkasho mura, Rokkasho-mura, Rokkashomura, Rokkasho keywords: research center , town related topics: Aomori Prefecture related web sites: explanation: Located in the east of Aomori Prefecture, this tranquil village on the Pacific coast became suddenly notorious when the central government had decided to build there the first nuclear fuel processing plant in Japan. The plant began to operate in 1992 despite of a huge opposition of environmentalists. Tane Island種子島alternative words: Tanegashima Island, Tanegashima, Tanega-shima keywords: island , kyushu , research center related topics: Kagoshima Prefecture , Yaku Island , Oosumi strait related web sites: , , explanation: Tanegashima is an long island stretched along North-South direction and located in the northwest of Yaku Island. The area is about 450 km2. Formed of flat sea erosion terraces, its highest point is 282m. It is well known that Portuguese have brought for the first time guns into Japan in 1543 at that place. Now it has become a base to launch satellites. Tokai Village東海村alternative words: Tokaimura Village, Tokaimura, Tokai-mura, Toukai Village, Toukaimura, Toukai-mura keywords: research center , town related topics: Ibaraki Prefecture related web sites: explanation: Village located about 120 kilometers northeast of Tokyo. Initially a tiny village on the Pacific coast, it has developed considerably since Japanese government built there a nuclear research center in 1957. Its population is 34,000. A nuclear accident took place in a processing plant located in this town in September 1999 and 2 workers died. Tsukuba cityつくば市 筑波研究学園都市alternative words: Tsukubashi city, Tsukubashi, Tsukuba-shi, Tsukuba shi, Tsukuba, Tsukuba academic new town keywords: research center , town related topics: Ibaraki prefecture related web sites: , , explanation: Initially a quiet rural area in south-western Ibaraki prefecture, the town was created by a merger of several villages in 1987, after the government had implemented several academic institutions, in order to lighten Tokyo's population. The examples are Tsukuba University, University of Library Information and Science and National geographic survey institute. In 1985, Tsukuba International Science and Technology Exposition was held there, too. The population is 150,000. Page number: 1 5 articles extracted from postgresql database. | |