Le FigaroFrench words: Le Figarokeywords: newspaper related web sites: http://www.lefigaro.fr explanation: One of the leading French daily newspapers founded in 1826 by Maurice Alhoy and Étienne Arago, as a satirical weekly, taking its name from "Marriage of Figaro". After many interruptions due to censures, the new owner, Hippolyte de Villemessant decided Le Figaro should appear daily. In 1897, Emile Zola was a contributor on Dreyfus's affairs. Le Figaro is now controlled by Serge Dassault, UMP's senator and the owner of Dassault Aviation. Mostly read by the conservative public, its circulation is about 320,000 Le MondeFrench words: Le Mondekeywords: newspaper related web sites: http://www.lemonde.fr explanation: A leading French daily evening papers, founded in 1944 by Hubert Beuve-Méry as replacement of "Le Temps", accused of a collaboration with German occupation. For this reason, Le Monde used initially the same building and the layout as Le Temps. Due to a development of internet and free newspapers, Le Monde fell to financial difficulties and ceded a part of its shares to a French aeronautic tycoon, Lagardere. Mostly popular among the center-left public and over-sea readers, its circulation is about 460,000. LiberationFrench words: Libérationkeywords: newspaper related web sites: http://www.liberation.fr explanation: One of the leading French daily newspapers, founded in 1973 by Jean-Paul Sartre, Benny Lévy and Serge July as the continuation of May 1968's student movement. For this reason, initially, all the employees had received the same salary. Thought it was the first French newspapers who owned an internet site, it was losing money because of its concurrence and Edouard de Rothschild entered in its capital in 2005 while Serge July left Liberation. Read mostly by leftist public, its circulation is about 185000. Page number: 1 3 articles extracted from postgresql database. | |