Amiens Cathedral
French words:
Cathédrale d'Amiens
Cathédrale Notre-Dame d'Amiens
alternative words: Notre-Dame of Amiens, Cathedral of Amiens keywords: church , human heritage , tourist resort related web sites: , , explanation: The old Roman style church burned out by fire in 1218, the bishop of Amiens Richard de Gerberoy, wanted a new gothic style cathedral, to settle a relic of Saint Jean Baptist. Built between 1220 -1264, Notre-Dame of Amiens is the largest cathedral in volume (200,000 m3) in France with the highest nave (42 m). Restored by the architect, Viollet-le-Duc in 1849 and survived WWII, Cathedral of Amiens was classed as a world heritage of Unesco in 1981, thanks to its unified aspect and richly decorated frontage. Beauvais Cathedral
French words:
Cathédrale de Beauvais
alternative words: Cathedral of Beauvais, Beauvais keywords: church , paris suburb , tourist resort related web sites: explanation: In 1225, the bishop of Beauvais, Milon de Nanteuil decided to build the largest cathedral of the world by replacing the old Roman style church destroyed by a fire. After a collapse of the vault in 1284, supplementary props were added but soon the construction halted due to 100 year war. After a collapse of the central spire of 153m high in 1573, the ambitious construction plan was given up. Located 60 km north of Paris, Cathedral of Beauvais impresses tourists by gigantism in spite of repeated misfortunes. Bourges cathedral
French words:
Cathédrale de Bourges
Cathédrale Saint-Etienne de Bourges
alternative words: Bourges, Cathedral of Bourges keywords: church , human heritage , tourist resort related web sites: , , explanation: In 1195, Archbishop of Bourges, Henri de Sully, wanted to replace his old cathedral by using the newly introduced gothic style, such as Notre dame de Paris of which bishop is his brother Eudes. Due to financial and technical difficulties (a huge pillar was added to prop the southern tower) it was achieved only in 1324. The northern tower, collapsed in 1506, was rebuilt in 1562. Considered as a master piece of the French medieval Christian art, Bourges cathedral was enlisted in UNESCO human heritage in 1981. Chartres cathedral
French words:
Cathédrale de Chartres
alternative words: Chartres, Cathedral of Chartres keywords: church , human heritage , tourist resort related web sites: , explanation: Located 80 km south-west of Paris, at the center of a great farming region, Beauce, the cathedral of Chartres is one of the largest and the most beautiful cathedrals in France. Though there was already a small church at the same place in 4th century, the current cathedral was built in 1194 after many fires and has lasted miraculously until nowadays in spite of religious wars and French revolution. Fontenay abbey
French words:
Abbaye de Fontenay
alternative words: Fontenay monastery, Abbey of Fontenay, Monastery of Fontenay keywords: bourgogne , church , human heritage , tourist resort related web sites: , explanation: Founded by Saint Bernard in 1118 in a swampy valley of Bourgogne near Montbard, Fontenay abbey is one of the oldest Cistercian monasteries still existing in Europe. It was so influential to become a royal abbey in 1269. Though sold to become a paper mill after the French revolution, all the buildings have been restored to the original state excepting for the dining room. Fontenay abbey was chosen as a human heritage of UNESCO in 1981. Les Invalides
French words:
Les Invalides
Hôtel des Invalides
Musée de l'Armée
alternative words: Les Invalides museum, Les Invalids, Tomb of Napoleon keywords: church , museum , paris , tourist resort related web sites: , , explanation: Concerned with the fate of invalid soldiers, French king, Louis XIV decided to build a hospice for them in 1670, following the architect plan of Liberal Bruant. After its completion in 1676, a royal chapel with the famous golden dome was added in 1706. Mortuary ash of Napoleon Bonaparte, died in St Helena in 1821, was moved there in 1861. "Esplanade des Invalides", a huge terrain used for military parades, stretches to Seine river. North-west wing of the hospice is now served as a military museum. Lourdes
French words:
alternative words: Fountain of Lourdes, Source of Lourdes, Cave of Lourdes keywords: church , tourist resort , town related web sites: , , , explanation: Located in the south-west of France near Pyrenean mountains, the town of Lourdes is renowned for its miracle fountain where a shepherdess girl, Bernadette Soubirous would meet Virgin Mary in 1858. She was canonized later in 1933 for this miracle. Between March and October, the town is crowded with pilgrims who are seeking healing waters from this source. Lourdes is also well known for a siege of Muslim army retreating from Pointiers by Charlemagne in 732. The population of Lourdes is about 16000. Madeleine church
French words:
Sainte Marie-Madeleine
Eglise de la Madeleine
alternative words: Madeleine temple, Sainte Marie Madeleine keywords: church , paris , tourist resort related topics: Concorde square , Paris Opera related web sites: , explanation: Located near Faux-Bourg Saint Honore Street, between Paris Opera and Place de la Concorde, the reconstruction of Madeleine church was decided in 1757, by replacing a small old church. Due to repeated architect and regime changes, the construction stagnated and achieved finally in 1842 during the reign of Louis Philippe, into a Greco-Roman style church with majestic colonnades. Everyday excepting for Monday, a flower market is organized around the place. The famous delicatessen shop, Fauchon is in north. Maison Carree
French words:
Maison Carrée
alternative words: Square house keywords: church , roman remains , southern france , tourist resort related topics: Nimes , Madeleine church related web sites: , explanation: Built at the forum of Nimes around 19 B.C. by a Roman general, Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, for the memory of his 2 sons, died very young, Maison Carree is one of the Roman monuments best preserved until now. Raised on a podium of 3m high, Maison Carree was a classic Augustan temple with 26m long by 15m wide, but transformed to a Christian church in 4th century. Hubert Robert drew a mythical ambience of this temple in his painting of 1787. Madeleine church in Paris has been inspired by Maison Carree. Mont Saint Michel
French words:
Mont Saint Michel
alternative words: Mont Saint Michel abbey, Mont Saint Michel monastery, Mt St Michel keywords: church , human heritage , normandy , sea , tourist resort related web sites: , , explanation: Located on a granite islet between Normandy and Brittany, the abbey of Mont Saint Michel offers a surprising view to its visitors. According to a legend, the archangel Michel appeared to bishop of Avranches, Aubert , demanding to build a church there in 708. During the middle ages, Mont Saint Michel was frequented by pilgrims in spite of a risk of quicksand. During French revolution, the abbey was used as a prison. Since a dyke was built in 19th century, the abbey is loosing its maritime characters. Page number: 1 2 18 articles extracted from postgresql database. | |