Online dictionary of Afghanistan war: race

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alternative words: Hazaras
keywords: race
related topics: Afghanistan
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explanation: Hazaras are a minority living in the central region of Afghanistan and speaking Persian language (Farsi). Though they are considered an indigenous population of Afghanistan, they represent now merely 10% of the total population. A great number of Hazars were massacred during the civil war because there are Shiite Moslems like Iranians.


alternative words: Pakhtun, Pathan, Pashtoon, Pakhtoon
keywords: race
related topics: Pashtu
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explanation: Pashtu speaking people are called Pashtuns. They are living on the both side of frontier between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The total number of Afghan Pashtuns is 7,5 millions and form the largest ethnic group in Afganistan while Pakistani Pashtuns are 14 millions. They are farmers, herdsmen and soldiers, and form multiple tribes under patriarchal authorities. Their dominant religion is Sunni Islam. Pakistani Pashtuns are supposed to have emigrated from Afghanistan between 13 and 16th centuries.


alternative words: Tadzhik, Tajiks
keywords: race
related topics: Afghanistan , United front , Ahmad Shah Masoud , Herat
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explanation: Tajik forms the second largest ethnic group of Afghanistan with 5 million of population and live in northeastern region on the both side of the border with Tajikistan. Tajik language belongs to the same family as Farsi (Persian language). They form the essential part of the United front's troops like ex defense minister, and the late commander Masoud. Their dominant religion is Sunni Islam but the minority living in western Afganistan around Herat believes Shi'a Islam.


alternative words: Uzbeks
keywords: race
related topics: Afghanistan , Mazar i Sharif , Abdul Rashid Dostam
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explanation: Uzbeks are a minority (about 5% of the total population) living in the northern Afghanistan on the both side of border with Uzbekistan. They speak a variant of Turkish language and believe Sunni Islam. Ex soviet general and warlord of Mazar-i-Sharif, Abdul Rashid Dostam is an Uzbek.

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