Online dictionary of Afghanistan war: language

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alternative words: Afghan Farsi, Persian
keywords: language
related topics: Afghanistan
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explanation: Dari, Afghan variant of Farsi (Persian language) was a court language used by aristocrats and serves also as lingua franca used by merchants all over Afghanistan. Dari is spoken by more than one half of the population. The constitution of 1964 declared Pashto and Dari as 2 official languages of Afghanistan.


alternative words: Pashto, Pashtu language, Pashto language, Pashtun language, Pushto, Pukhto
keywords: language
related topics: Pashtun , Afghanistan , Dari
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explanation: Pashto language is spoken in the south and east of Afghanistan, and another side of frontier in Pakistan. Pashto is an Indo-European language and owns some similarities with Persian language. Pashto is spoken by more than 1 third of the Afghan population. The constitution of 1964 declared Pashto and Dari as 2 official languages of Afghanistan.

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