Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: northern territory

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Mogami Tokunai

alternative words: Tokunai Mogami
keywords: explorer , famous person , northern territory
related topics: Edo shogunate , Ezochi , Honda Toshiaki
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explanation: Explorer of Ezochi, actual Hokkaido, Sakhalin and Kuril, at the end of Edo period. Born in 1754 in Yamagata prefecture, he learned first astronomy and surveying technique at Tokyo from a mathematician, Honda Toshiaki. Engaged by Edo shogunate instead of Toshiaki, he explored different parts of Ezochi, especially south Kuril (1786) and south Sakhalin (1792). Knowing Ainu and Russian languages, he gave good advises about Ezochi to Edo shogunate. He died in 1836.

Niko incident

alternative words: Nikou incident, Nikolayevsk incident, Nikolaevsk incident
keywords: event , northern territory , war
related topics: Siberian intervention
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explanation: In January 1920, Bolsheviks encircled Nikolaevsk near Sakhalin, where White Russians and hundreds of Japanese civilians protected by soldiers were living. Japanese let enter Bolsheviks but breaking the truce, they began to execute white Russians and also captured Japanese who protested it. Learning the arrival of Japanese rescue, they executed Japanese prisoners, too. Furious, Japan occupied North Sakhalin and asked the reparation. Russia executed the responsible and Japan left in 1925.

Okamoto Kansuke

alternative words: Kansuke Okamoto, Okamoto Kanpo, Kanpo Okamoto
keywords: explorer , famous person , northern territory
related topics: Ezochi
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explanation: Born in 1839 in Tokushima prefecture. In 1856, he organized Hokumonsha association to defend the interests of Sakhalin island and explored between 1863 and 65 as the first Japanese the whole Sakhalin island. In 1870, he became chief of Sakhalin colonial office but quickly resigned due to a conflict with Kuroda Kiyotaka who was willing to concentrate the effort on to Hokkaido by giving up Sakhalin. In 1892, he tried to exploit Kuril island by creating Chishimagikai association. He died in 1904.

Portsmouth treaty

ポーツマス条約 日露講和条約
alternative words: Treaty of Portsmouth, Nichiro kowa joyaku
keywords: northern territory , russia , treaty
related topics: Russo-Japanese war , Sakhalin island
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explanation: Treaty concluded between Japanese plenipotentiary, Komura Jutaro and Russian counter part Sergei Witte in Portsmouth, New Hampshire in 1905 after Russo-Japanese war. It stipulates that Russia should cede southern Sakhalin, Liaotung peninsula with port Arthur and southern Manchuria railroads to Japan, and recognize Japanese preponderance on Korea. Komura, unable to get an indemnity from Russia, it provoked a great number of manifestations all over Japan.


alternative words: Evfimii Putiatin, Evfimi Vasilievich Putiatin, Putyatin, Eufimij Putyatin
keywords: famous person , foreigner , military man , northern territory , russia
related topics: Edo shogunate , Commodore Perry , Sakoku , Shimoda treaty
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explanation: Russian admiral, born in 1803. After Americans had sent Perry to Japan to get access harbors, Putiatin arrived in Nagasaki in August 1853, accompanied by a writer, Goncharov. After a refusal of Edo shogunate to open harbors, he left Japan, then returned back in 1854 to Shimoda where Americans settled the first consulate. After a difficult negotiation with Kawaji Toshiakira, because his ship was wrecked by an earthquake, Shimoda treaty was concluded in February 1855. He died in 1883.


alternative words: Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov
keywords: famous person , foreigner , military man , northern territory
related topics: Ezochi , Laxman , Sakoku
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explanation: Russian nobility and a director of Russian American company, born in 1764. As special envoy of Tsar Alexander I, he came to Japan to settle a trading relationship in 1804. After several months of waiting and negotiation in Nagasaki, Japanese refused finally to grant a trading relationship. Frustrated, he ordered secretly his retainer, Chvostoff to attack Japanese trading posts on Etorofu and Sakhalin islands in 1806. He died in Siberia during a return trip to St Petersburg due to a fever in 1807.

Saint Petersburg treaty

alternative words: Treaty of Saint Petersburg, Kuril Sakhalin exchange treaty, Treaty of Kuril Sakhalin exchange, Chishima karafuto kokan joyaku
keywords: northern territory , treaty
related topics: Shimoda treaty , Enomoto Takeaki , Sakhalin island
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explanation: After the treaty of Shimoda, Sakhalin remained undelimited and this provoked repeated incidents between Russian and Japanese colons. In order to make up this situation, Japanese government sent an ambassador plenipotentiary, Enomoto Takeaki, to Saint Petersburg to settle a definitive frontier. The treaty, concluded in 1875 between 2 countries, stipulates that Japan gave up all the right on Sakhalin island and in exchange they recuperate all the Kuril islands up to Kamchatka peninsula.

Sakanoue no Tamuramaro

alternative words: Sakanoueno Tamuramaro
keywords: famous person , northern territory
related topics: Heian period , Ezo , Shogun
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explanation: Born in 758 and died in 811. Japanese military man of the beginning of Heian period. He successfully subdued Ainu's revolts in Tohoku region. Since his expeditions, large scale revolts have stopped. He had been a shogun but this title was still temporary at that epoch. A legend says that after the conquest of Ainu's country, he would erected a stele indicating "center of Japan" because all Ainu's land up to Kamchatka peninsula should belong to Japan.

Sakhalin island

樺太 唐太 サハリン 北蝦夷
alternative words: Sakhalin, Saghalian, Sagalian, Karafuto, Karafuto island
keywords: locality , northern territory , russia
related topics: Matsumae domain , Kushunkotan , Shimoda treaty , Saint Petersburg treaty , Portsmouth treaty
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explanation: Sakhalin is a very long (1000 km) but narrow (200 km in its largest extent) island located between Japan and Russian maritime territory. It is separated from the continent by a narrow strait of 6 km width and for that reason, first, westerners thought it should be a peninsula. During Edo period, Matsumae exploited the southern part of Sakhalin with Kushunkotan as its center. The 3 successive treaties, i.e. Shimoda (1855), Saint Petersburg (1875), Portsmouth (1905) changed the ownerships of Sakhalin.

Santan people

alternative words: Santan tribe, Santanjin, Santan jin, Nivkhi, Nibuhi
keywords: minority , northern territory
related topics: Edo period , Ezochi , Matsumae domain , Kushunkotan
explanation: Different small people living on the delta of Amur river and the north of Sakhalin such as Nivkhi, Guiliyak or Orochin. During Edo period, they used to go down with small boats along Sakhalin coast in summer season to trade with Japanese at Kushunkotan. They brought not only leathers and feathers of animals but also rare Chinese clothes to exchange with Japanese sake or iron tools. This practice was called "Santan koeki" i.e. Santan trade.

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