Katsu Kaishu勝海舟alternative words: Kaishu Katsu, Katsu Rintaro, Rintaro Katsu keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , military man , statesman related topics: Rangaku , Meiji Revolution , Edo shogunate , Bugyo , Hatamoto explanation: Born in 1823 at Tokyo in a Hatamoto family. He had become familiar with the western technology by learning Dutch language. For that reason he went by ship to USA as captain of Rinkanmaru to ratify Harris treaty. He was nominated then to "Gunkan bugyo" ( a kind of naval minister) to form Japanese to the western military technology. In 1868, he negotiated a surrender of Tokugawa regime with Saigo Takamori to let his army take over Tokyo without fighting. He died in 1899. Kido Takayoshi木戸孝允 桂小五郎alternative words: Takayoshi Kido, Kido Koin, Koin Kido, Katsura Kogoro, Kogoro Katsura keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , statesman related topics: Meiji revolution , Edo shogunate , Itagaki Taisuke , Okubo Toshimichi , Choshu domain , Yoshida Shoin related web sites: http://www21.big.or.jp/~kirin/ , http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~gz5k-hnd/kh/sis/06ka01/ , http://www.urban.ne.jp/home/mkubota/hagi_kido.htm explanation: Born in 1833 as a samurai of Chushu domain and soon adopted by Katsura family. He frequented first the school of Yoshida Shoin then learned the western military technique in Tokyo. Since 1862, he had been in charge of Choshu domain's policy and strove for the suppression of Edo shogunate by allying with Satsuma domain. He participated then to the new Meiji government: his policy was between autocratic Okubo Toshimichi and democratic Itagaki Taisuke. He died in 1877. Meiji revolution明治維新 王政復古alternative words: Revolution of Meiji, Meiji restoration, Restoration of meiji, Meijiishin, Meiji ishin, Meji ishin keywords: event , meiji revolution related topics: Saigo Takamori , Sakamoto Ryoma , Katsu Kaishu , Bakumatsu , Tokugawa Yoshinobu , Edo shogunate , Kanagawa treaty , Meiji period related web sites: http://homepage1.nifty.com/jshoda/ explanation: The signature of Kanagawa treaty in 1853 provoked a great impact among Japanese nationalists. Initially a struggle between pro and con of the westernization of Japan, it degenerated to a dispute between pro and con of Tokugawa regime. The latter was formed essentially with Shimazu and Mori clans and nobility of Kyoto. Though numerically inferior, but better equipped, they defeated Tokugawa army at the battle of Toba-Fushimi in January 1868 and Tokugawa regime collapsed soon. Mutsu Munemitsu陸奥宗光alternative words: Munemitsu Mutsu keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , statesman related topics: Sino-Japanese war , Shimonoseki treaty , Meiji revolution , Han , Sakamoto Ryoma , Seinan war , Ito Hirobumi related web sites: http://www06.u-page.so-net.ne.jp/fa2/redfield/0401.htm explanation: Born in 1844 in a samurai family of Ki domain. He left his han very young and enrolled into Kaientai of Sakamoto Ryoma to overthrow Edo shogunate. After Meiji revolution, he carried out a tax reform as high ranking official but was jailed for a participation to Seinan war. After an amnesty, he entered foreign ministry and became foreign minister of Ito Hirobumi in 1892. He succeeded to modify an unequal custom treaty with Great Britain in 1894 and led the diplomacy of Sino-Japanese war. He died in 1897. Nakahama Manjiro中浜万次郎 ジョン万次郎alternative words: Manjiro Nakahama, Manjiro, Manjirou, John Manjiro, John Manjirou keywords: explorer , famous person , meiji revolution related topics: Tosa domain , Edo shogunate , Meiji revolution related web sites: http://www.city.tosashimizu.kochi.jp/john/ , http://www2.netwave.or.jp/~okadas/dan/jonman.htm explanation: Born in 1827 in a fisher family of Tosa domain. In 1841, his ships was wrecked and drifted but saved a half year later by an American whaler. He went then to USA and learnt English , navigation and mining techniques. After having worked in a gold mine and whaling, he returned back to Japan in 1851. Edo shogunate engaged him as a translator of foreign books. He taught also navigation and whaling techniques. After Meiji revolution, he became an English teacher. He died in 1898. Okubo Toshimichi大久保利通alternative words: Toshimichi Okubo, Ookubo Toshimichi, Toshimichi Ookubo keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , statesman related topics: Meiji revolution , Meiji period , Satsuma domain , Choshu domain , Saigo Takamori , Kido Takayoshi related web sites: http://www.lint.ne.jp/~meirokun/haihan.htm explanation: Born in 1830 in a samurai family of Satsuma domain. First, with Saigo Takamori, he strove for the political reform of Statsuma domain. Understood a need of the suppression of Edo shogunate, he promoted an alliance with Choshu domain for this goal, by becoming a friend with Kido Takayoshi. After the disappearance of Edo shogunate, he strove to make Japan a powerful centralized country by suppressing the feudal system. He was assassinated in 1878 by an unhappy samurai. Okuma Shigenobu大隈重信alternative words: Shigenobu Okuma keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , statesman related topics: Meiji revolution , Hagakure , Edo shogunate , Choshu domain , Saga domain , Ito Hirobumi , Itagaki Taisuke related web sites: http://www.saganet.ne.jp/sagacity/kankou/ohkuma.html , http://www.waseda.ac.jp explanation: Born in 1838 in a samurai family of Saga prefecture. Unhappy with Hagakure culture of his region, he had learnt Dutch and helped Choshu domain against Edo shogunate. First he participated to Meiji government but left it in 1881after a dispute with Ito Hirobumi and Yamagata Aritomo on the privatization. He founded Waseda university in 1882 and strobe with Itagaki Taisuke for the democracy. He provoked an international indignation with 21 demands to China in 1915. He died in 1922. Omura Masujiro大村益次郎 村田蔵六alternative words: Masujiro Omura, Murata Rokuzo, Oomura Masujiro keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , military man related topics: Meiji revolution , Choshu domain , Edo shogunate , Boshin war , Rangaku , Ronin , Yamagata Aritomo related web sites: http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~gz5k-hnd/kh/sis/06mu01/ explanation: Born in 1824 in a doctor family of Choshu domain. After having studied medicine and rangaku at school of Ogata Koan in Osaka, he opened a cabinet in his homeland. He was called by Uwajima domain to translate western military books, then became rangaku teacher of Edo shogunate. Wining a good reputation, he was called by Choshu domain to implement a western style army and participated to Choshu war and Boshin war. He was assassinated in 1869 by ronin unhappy with his reform. Saga domain
alternative words: Saga han, Nabeshima domain, Nabeshima han, Nebeshima, Saga keywords: meiji revolution , state related topics: Sengoku period , Edo period , Meiji revolution , Hagakure explanation: Occupying actual Saga prefecture during Edo period, the history of Nabeshima domain is unique. Nabeshima was a vassal of Ryuzoji during Sengoku period. Ryuzoji having no good leaders inside family, they decided to transfer peacefully their feud and appointed Nabeshima as their successor. Due to its vicinity to Nagasaki, they could mater quickly western technology and greatly contributed to Meiji revolution, though they had initially a pure samurai tradition like Hagakure. Saigo Takamori西郷隆盛alternative words: Takamori Saigo, Saigou Takamori, Takamori Saigou keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , military man , statesman related topics: Edo shogunate , Meiji revolution , Meiji period , Satsuma domain , Katsu Kaishu , Okubo Toshimichi , Seinan war related web sites: http://www.page.sannet.ne.jp/ytsubu/ , http://reimeikan.pref.kagoshima.jp explanation: One of the leaders of Meiji Revolution. Born in a modest family of samurai in 1827 at Kagoshima. Recognized by seignior Shimazu Nariakira, he got a post of responsibility. After the death of Nariakira, he committed a suicide but miraculously survived. Nevertheless he was sentenced to a banishment because of his pro western opinion. Later he greatly contributed to the fall of Edo shogunate in 1868. In 1877, he organized a samurai's revolt in Kyushu but killed himself after the defeat. Page number: 1 2 3 29 articles extracted from postgresql database. | |