Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: temple

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Kongobuji temple

高野山金剛峰寺 高野山 金剛峰寺
alternative words: Kongoubuji Temple, Koyasan Kongobuji, Koya-san Kongobu-ji, Kongobu-ji, Kongobuji, Koyasan, Kouyasan
keywords: temple , wakayama
related topics: Wakayama Prefecture , Nankai electric railway
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explanation: One of the most prestigious temples, situated at Mt. Koya in Wakayama Prefecture. It was built in 819 by a famous Japanese priest Kukai alias Kobotaishi who is the founder of Shingon School. Being isolated from the rest of the world, it had been a popular training camp for young Buddhist monks in the old times. Though its access being forbidden to women before Meiji Era, now everybody can visit it by using a cable car.

Kuonji Temple

久遠寺 身延山久遠寺 身延山
alternative words: Kuon-ji Temple, Minobusan Kuonji, Minobu-san Kuon-ji, Kuonji, Kuon-ji, Kuon ji, Minobusan, Minobu-san, Minobu san
keywords: temple
related topics: Yamanashi Prefecture , Taisekiji Temple
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explanation: Located in Yamanashi Prefecture in face to Mt. Fuji, this temple was owned by the famous Japanese priest, Nichiren which founded an important Buddhist School (Nichirenshu). After power struggles of his successors, it has been split to several sects. Now the most powerful one is Nichiren Shoshu of which head temple is Taisekiji in Shizuoka Prefecture.

Nishi Honganji Temple

alternative words: Nishihonganji Temple, Nishihonganji, Nishihongan-ji, Nishi honganji, Honganji Temple, Hongan-ji Temple
keywords: kyoto , temple
related topics: Kyoto City , Tsukiji Honganji Temple
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explanation: One of the most prestigious temples in Japan, situated at Kyoto City. Though its history is older, it was moved to the actual place thanks to an aid of Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1591. It belongs to the school of Jodo Shinshu initiated by the famous Buddhist priest, Shinran but is has been split into several rival sects. For example, Higashihonganji Temple, built with an aid of Tokugawa Ieyasu in 1602 also at Kyoto City belongs to another sect.

Ryoanji Temple

alternative words: Ryoan Temple, Ryoan-ji Temple, Ryoanji, Ryoan-ji, Ryoan ji, Ryouanji, Ryouan ji, Stone garden
keywords: garden , kyoto , temple
related topics: Kyoto city
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explanation: Located in "Ukyo ward" of Kyoto city, the temple was founded by Hosokawa Katsumoto in 1450 but burned out during Onin war in Muromachi period. The temple is better known for its stone garden rather than its building. It consists of 15 rocks scattered on white sands and is considered one of the best Zen style gardens in Japan.

Sensoji Temple

浅草寺 浅草の観音様 浅草観音
alternative words: Senso Temple, Senso-ji Temple, Sensoji, Senso-ji, Sensouji Temple, Sensouji, Asakusa Kannon, Asakusa shrine, Asakusa temple
keywords: temple , tokyo
related topics: Tokyo Prefecture , Sumida river
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explanation: The most oldest Buddhist temple of Tokyo for the popular faith, Sensoji Temple is well known by many people with the name of Kannon (one of Buddhist Gods) of Asakusa. According to a legend, in the 36th year of Empress Suiko's reign (628), 2 fisherman brothers Hinomae, who were living in Asakusa, found a golden statue of 50 cm high during a fishing in Sumida river. Then, county chief, Haji Nakatomo, constructed a small house and install it inside.

Shinshoji Temple

親勝寺 成田山親勝寺 成田山 成田
alternative words: Shinsho-ji temple, Shinshoji, Naritasan Shinshoji, Narita-san Shinsho-ji, Naritasan, Narita san, Narita temple, Narita
keywords: temple
related topics: Chiba Prefecture , Narita Airport
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explanation: One of the oldest Boudhist temples in Kanto region. During a great revolt of Taira no Masakado in the early 10th century, the Emperor sent there a statue of Buddhist God, Fudo Myoo with a great priest, Koncho Daisojo in order to pray for the end of the war. After the revolt, when man tried to return back the statue, it happened to be impossible to move it. So in 1940, it was decided to build in the actual place a Buddhist temple to keep the above statue.

Shitennoji temple

alternative words: Shitenno temple, Shitennoji, Shitenno-ji, Shitenno ji, Shitennouji, Shitennou-ji, Shitennou ji, Shitennouji temple
keywords: osaka , temple
related topics: Osaka city
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explanation: Situated at city center, Shitennoji is the most oldest temple of Osaka because according to a legend, it was built by the prince Shotoku in 593 in order to pray for a victory of pro Buddhist force against Mononobe clan who were hostile. Though it suffered several time from war casualties, especially Word War II, it still remains as a symbol of Osaka with its invaluable treasures. Shitenno (4 heavenly kings) are 4 gods who protect Buddhism, sitting in each cardinal point.

Shomyoji Temple

alternative words: Shomyo-ji Temple, Shomyoji, Shomyo-ji, Shomyo ji, Shoumyouji Temple, Shoumyou-ji Temple
keywords: kanagawa , temple
related topics: Yokohama City
related web sites: ,
explanation: Shomyoji temple is located at Kanazawa-cho, Kanazawa-ku in Yokohama city and its official name is Kanezawa-san Shyomyo-ji. It was the temple of Kanezawa Hojyo family and might originate from an altar (Jibutsu-do) installed by Hojo Sanetoki in his home of Rokuura-sho Kanezawa.

Taisekiji Temple

alternative words: Taiseki-ji Temple, Taisekiji, Taiseki-ji
keywords: temple
related topics: Shizuoka Prefecture , Kuonji Temple , Mt. Fuji
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in Shizuoka Prefecture near Mt. Fuji, this temple has been founded by Nikko, one of Nichiren's major disciples. It had been the head temple of Fuji sect insides Nichiren school. Since 1912, the sect has become independent and changed its name to "Nichiren Shoshu". At one time, Sokagakkai had been the major supporter of this temple but it is now divorced.

Todaiji Temple

alternative words: Todai-ji Temple, Todai Temple, Todaiji, Todai-ji, Toudaiji Temple, Toudai Temple, Toudaiji, Toudai-ji
keywords: nara , temple , world heritage
related topics: Nara City , Great Buddha of Nara
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explanation: Toudaiji Temple had been the headquarters of all the official Buddhist temples constructed by Emperor Shomu in each province of Japan. It has been suffered several times from the war casualties so it has lost the initial dimension. Nevertheless the actual hall of Daibutsu, where the great Buddha has been installed, has a frontage of 57m with 47.5m of height and is the world biggest wooden building.

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