3 imperial treasures三種の神器 三種神器alternative words: Sanshu no jingi, 3 imperial regalia, Sanshunojingi keywords: mythology , religion , thing related topics: Yamato dynasty , Tumulus , Amaterasu , Susano , Yamata no Orochi , Heian period , Battle of Dannoura explanation: As a great number of sabers and mirrors found from tumulus testify, Japanese had given them a mythical power. "Kusanagi no tsurugi", saber found by Susano from a tail of "Yamata no orochi" and "Yata no Kagami", religious item used by goddess Amaterasu, were considered 2 imperial regalia. Since Heian period, Yasakani no magatama (necklace of jade) has been added. Those 3 treasures sank at the battle of "Dan no ura" in 1185 but some claim that they should be replica. Arita ware
alternative words: Arita, Aritayaki, Arita yaki, Arita ceramic, Imari ware, Imari, Imari yaki, Imariyaki, Imari ceramic keywords: art , craft , korea , thing related topics: Toyotomi Hideyoshi , Invasion of Korea , Satsuma ware related web sites: http://www.imari.ne.jp explanation: Ceramic made at Arita city in Saga prefecture. It is also called Imari ware after the name of its export harbor. The ceramic was invented in 1616 by a naturalized Korean potter, Ri Sanpei who Toyotomi Hideyoshi had brought to Japan during the Korean campaign. Initially it had only blue color but thanks to an invention of Sakaida Kakiemon, a red color has been added around 1640 and got a fame even in Europe. The name of Kakiemon comes from the color of this pottery, kaki (persimmon). Hagoita羽子板alternative words: Hanetsuki paddle, Battledore paddle keywords: art , craft , game , thing related topics: New year , Hanetsuki related web sites: http://www.tim.hi-ho.ne.jp/~m-ando/hagoita.htm , http://www4.big.or.jp/~kna/kna/hagoita1.html , http://www1.plala.or.jp/harasimahagoita/ explanation: Wooden paddle used for hanetsuki game. A simple paddle with picture drawn behind is used in a real game but there exists "hagoita" used as a new year gift for girls. The size is a little bigger and cloth made picture of kabuki actors or girls (now also with plastic) are attached in relief on the surface. Each December, all over Japan, hagoita markets (hogoita ichi) are open for the preparation of a new year. The market near Asakusa temple in Tokyo is notorious. Haniwa
alternative words: Clay ring keywords: thing related topics: Kofun period , Tumulus , Nihonshoki related web sites: http://www.mediajoy.com/chikatsu/cs/cs10.html , http://www.ne.jp/asahi/hao/egg/top.htm explanation: Unglazed earthenware put around the tumulus during Kofun period. According to Nihonshoki, they may be invented during the reign of Emperor Suinin in order to avoid a human sacrifice by replicating the human figure and put them around the tumulus. But for some scholars, they should have been invented in order to avoid the collapse of a tumulus. Anyway, with a diversity of their forms such as warrior, horse, ship, house etc. they are excellent objects to study the habit of that period. Hibachi火鉢 火桶alternative words: Transportable brazier, Charcoal brazier, Hioki, Hibitsu keywords: craft , thing related topics: Nara period , Edo period related web sites: http://www.saimeido.com , http://www.i-port.ne.jp/kankeimaru/ explanation: Transportable brazier used in traditional Japanese houses and made with porcelain jar of 30-40 cm diameter. It is served not only for occasional heating but also small cooking or boiling waters. Hibachi made with copper recipient existed already in Nara period but used only by aristocrats at that period. It is during Edo period that its use has been generalized in Japanese houses thanks to abundant ceramic ware. It should be used cautiously in a hermitic western house because of a risk of CO intoxication. Japanese doll
alternative words: Ningyo, Nihon ningyo, Nihon-ningyo, Ningyou, Nihon ningyou, Doll keywords: art , craft , thing related topics: Edo period , Momo no sekku , Tango no sekku , Kokeshi related web sites: http://www.sekku.com explanation: Contrary to western dolls, Japanese dolls are not merely toys for children but real arts of decoration and collection. This development had occurred during Edo period when festivity like "Momo no sekku" and "Tango no sekku" had become very popular among ordinary citizens thanks to a hike of their living standard and an advance of craftsmanship. Japanese kite凧alternative words: Tako, kite keywords: art , china , craft , game , thing related topics: Heian period , Samurai , Edo period , Japanese paper , New year related web sites: http://www.kikimimi.ne.jp/www/eohashi/ , http://www.nmt.ne.jp/~windlove/ , http://www.taimeiken.co.jp/takohaku/index_t.htm , http://web.kyoto-inet.or.jp/people/cokeian/ , http://www2.ginzado.ne.jp/shayo/yosidamati/tako/takokan.htm explanation: Invented 3000 years ago, it arrived in Japan from China at the beginning of Heian period. During Kamakura period, the kites spread among samurai clans, not only because of their military interests but also they symbolized a bravery, but it is since Edo period that kites have become a popular entertainment for everybody. Contrary to western kites which give an importance to technical aspect, Japanese kites are appreciated by their beautiful pictures drawn on the surface. Japanese sword
alternative words: Nihonto, Nihon-to, Nihon to, Nihontou, Nihon-tou, Nihon tou, Sword, Katana, Swords keywords: art , craft , thing , weapon related topics: Heian period , Kamakura period , Muromachi period , Samurai , Masamune , Muramasa , Tsuba related web sites: http://www2d.biglobe.ne.jp/~yamaka/ , http://www.n-p-s.net explanation: Japanese swords had been made first in the official factories. After a collapse of the central government at the end of Heian period, then samurai clans took powers in Kamakura period, the sword smiths of each region had competed to make their best. They are highly appreciated because of their artistic aspect and called "Ko-to" (old sword). After Muromachi period, the technique of fabrication had greatly improved and become industrial. The swords of this period are called "Shin-to" (new sword). Kadomatsu門松alternative words: Gate pine keywords: thing related topics: New year , Heian period related web sites: http://www.ic-net.or.jp/home/yaguchi/houwa/simekazari.htm , http://www.fits.co.jp/~zenshoji/shougatu.htm explanation: New year decoration put at the entry of each house to welcome "toshigami" (year's god) who comes to protect the family. Usually it is arranged in pairs (left and right) and composed of evergreen trees such as pine tree, bamboo and sakaki (low evergreen tree of the tea family). The height of kadomatsu is about 1m high and is kept during the first 7 days of a new year, corresponding to "matsu no uchi" i.e. "inside pine". The rite of "kadomatsu" had been already practiced in Heian period. Kagami mochi
alternative words: Kagamimochi, Mirror mochi, Mirror mochi cake keywords: food , thing related topics: New year , Muromachi period , Tokonoma , Mochi related web sites: http://www.kagamimochi.jp explanation: Offering for toshigami (year's god) settled on "tokonoma" (Japanese alcove) in a new year celebration. It consists to pile up 2 or 3 round rice cakes (lower is bigger) and put a "daidai" (bitter orange) at the top. It comes from a shintoist rite (the mirror is a god's symbol for them) but has been generalized since Muromachi period with an appearance of "tokonoma". On January 11th, it will be cut off into small pieces to be cooked. The ceremony is called "kagami biraki", i.e. "mirror opening". Page number: 1 2 20 articles extracted from postgresql database. | |