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Robert McLean
| Posted on Friday, August 01, 2003 - 02:44 pm: | |
Hi, Here is some interesting Japanese financial text that i was translating. There are a few subtle mistakes I am making...Is there a seasoned eye to catch these subtle mistakes? 次期の業績全般およびセグメント別の見通しおよびその分析 All achievements and prospects of next term classified by segment and its analysis 今後の経済見通しにつきましては、イラク戦争が米国経済に影を落とし、「地政学的リス ク」が増大し景気の先行き不透明感につながるなか、依然として景気回復の道筋が見え難 い状況にあります。 Concerning the future economic prospect, while the Iraqi war casts its shadow on the American economy, "geopolitical risk" increases and being connected to the obscure future business impressions, there is a circumstance where the way of business recovery is still difficult to be visible. 雇用や所得のü善にはなお時間を要するものと思われ、個人消費の早急な回復は見込みに くく、当社の経営環境も全体としては厳しい状況が続くものと思われます。 Furthermore, where employment and improvement of income are thought of as circumstantial things that require time, it is difficult to anticipate the urgent recovery of personal spending and harsh business environment of this corporation as a whole continues. このような厳しい環境の中、当社グループは、顧客起点・グローバル視野に立ったソリュ ーション型企業活動を展開し、繊維事業・非繊維事業を両輪としたスピード経営で中期経 営計画『VS計画』を全社運動として強力に推進し、業績のü上を目指して社業の一層の 発展を期する所存であります。 The place where in this kind of harsh environment, this corporation group develops the enterprise type solution activity stands as a starting point of global vision for the customer, propelling the management powerfully with speed. It designates fiber business & non-fiber business as both wheels of mid-term management plan ' VS plan ' as a company-wide motion; it aims toward the improvement of the achievements and expects further development of the corporate industry as it exists. なお、当社グループの今後の課題として、年金数理差異の処理、環境の厳しい事業部門の 今後の方ü付け、更には導üが予定されている減損会計への対応等があげられますが、こ れらに対しては問題を先送りしないという姿勢で積極的に取組み解決を図りたいと考えま す。 Furthermore, it can increase the future direction of the business section whose processing and environment of annuity mathematical difference are harsh as a future segment of this corporation group, and promote the correspondence etc. to the decrease accounts where introduction is planned, but, it tackles with positive attitude that in future you do not face problem vis-a-vis these and you feel that we would like to assure the solution. Let me have your comments…?
| Posted on Saturday, August 09, 2003 - 09:04 pm: | |
eh... how much of a mistake could you have made. Me, Mr. Anonymous, and Info are probably too lazy to read through the whole thing. |
Mr. Anonymous
| Posted on Sunday, August 10, 2003 - 04:46 am: | |
exactly:-P hahaha. |
michelle hernandez
| Posted on Friday, August 27, 2004 - 06:14 pm: | |
can anyone tell me how to write "best friends" and "God is love" in japanese. it's for a gift.can you please email it to me at: thanks so much |
michelle hernandez
| Posted on Friday, August 27, 2004 - 06:17 pm: | |
there's an underscore after biselle... thanks |
Username: Matjlav
Registered: 07-2003
| Posted on Friday, August 27, 2004 - 06:23 pm: | |
Best Friends - ベストフレンド God is Love - 天主は愛 どう致しまして! You're welcome! |
michelle hernandez
| Posted on Friday, August 27, 2004 - 06:47 pm: | |
there's an underscore _ after biselle... thanks again |
michelle hernandez
| Posted on Friday, August 27, 2004 - 06:50 pm: | |
thanks for answering! |