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Abe Shinzo

alternative words: Shinzo Abe
keywords: statesman
related topics: Koizumi Junichiro , Yamaguchi_prefecture
related web sites: ,
explanation: Born in 1954 in Tokyo as a second son of Abe Shintaro, an ex foreign minister and unfortunate candidate to the prime ministership. Graduated at Seikei university, he worked as a personal secretary of his father and succeeded him in an electoral district of Yamaguchi prefecture after his death in 1993. Served as a chief cabinet secretary of Koizumi in 2005, Abe had succeed him as prime minister since 2006 but after a historical defeat in Senate election, he surprisingly left the post in September 2007.

Asahi shinbun

朝日新聞 朝日新聞社
alternative words: Asahishinbun, Asahi shimbun, Asahishimbun, Asahi, Asahi newspaper
keywords: newspaper
related web sites:
explanation: One of Japanese oldest and largest newspapers with 8 million copies. Founded in 1879 by Murayama Ryuhei in Osaka as a small illustrated paper and continued to grow by concentrating on the information rather than opinions. Tokyo branch was founded in 1888 by purchasing Mezamashi shinbun. It was attacked by rebellion during February 26th incident in 1936 due to its liberal opinion. Asahi owns Shukan Asahi (weekly Asahi), Asahi evening news (English version) and TV Asahi.

Aso Taro

alternative words: Taro Aso
keywords: statesman
related topics: Yoshida Shigeru , Fukuoka_prefecture
related web sites:
explanation: Born in 1940 in Fukuoka prefecture as a grandchild of Yoshida Shigeu, a late prime minister. After having graduated from Gakushuin University and spent some times at foreign universities, he joined his father's company in 1966. He won a first parliament seat in 1979 and continue to be elected excepting for 1983. After having presented in vain 3 times on the election of party president, he became the 92th Japanese prime minister in 2008, but may loose this post in coming general election of August 2009.

Doi Takako

alternative words: Takako Doi
keywords: statesman
related topics: Shaminto
related web sites:
explanation: Born in 1928 in Hyogo prefecture. After having graduated at Doshisha university, she became a teacher of Doshisha. In December 1969 she was elected in diet under the banner of Japanese socialist party and continued to defend Japanese constitution by organizing grassroots movements. In 1986 becoming the first female president of socialist party, she provoked "Otakasan boom". In 1993 she was elected the first female chairman of Japanese parliament.

Fukuda Yasuo

alternative words: Yasuo Fukuda
keywords: statesman
related topics: Koizumi Junichiro , Abe Shinzo , Gunma_prefecture
related web sites:
explanation: Born in 1937 in Gunma prefecture as a first son of Fukuda Takeo. After having graduated from Waseda university, he worked as simple employee in a Japanese oil company, far from the political turmoil, until 1976 when he became a private secretary of his father, the 67th Japanese prime minister. He has been a congressman since 1990. Served as general secretary of Mori then Koizumu's cabinet between 2000 and 2004, he will become the 91th prime minister but surprisingly resigned in September 2008

Hatoyama Ichiro

alternative words: Ichiro Hatoyama
keywords: statesman
related topics: Yoshida Shigeru , Jiminto
explanation: Born in Tokyo in 1883 as a son of Hatoyama Kazuo. Elected in diet in 1915 with a ticket of Rikken Seiyukai and became minister of education in cabinets of Inukai Tsuyoshi then Saito Minoru but was dismissed after Takigawa Incident. After world war II, he formed Jiyuto but was driven out by Americans. After being rehabilitated, he opposed Yoshida Shigeru and formed Nihon Minshuto and became prime minister in 1954. He became the first president of Jiminto in 1955. He died in 1959.

Hatoyama Yukio

alternative words: Yukio Hatoyama
keywords: statesman
related topics: Hatoyama Ichiro , Jiminto , Minshuto , Kan Naoto
related web sites:
explanation: Born in 1947 in Tokyo in a politician family: his grandfather, Hatoyama Ichiro, prime minister and his father, Hatoyama Iichiro, foreign minister. After graduated at Tokyo university and Harvard university, he was elected in diet in 1986 under the banner of Jiminto. In 1993, he left Jiminto and founded Shinto Sakigake with Kan Naoto. In 1996, he founded another party, Minshuto with Kan Naoto. He is expected to become the 93th Japanese prime minister after a coming general election of August 2009.

Ikeda Daisaku

alternative words: Daisaku Ikeda
keywords: new religion, statesman
related topics: Sokagakkai , Komeito
explanation: Born in 1928 in Tokyo. Entered Sokagakkai in 1947 and worked in a publishing company owned by Toda Josei, the 2e president of Sokagakkai. By directing a Senate election of Osaka in 1956, he was arrested by police for a fraud. After the death of Toda, he became the 3rd president in 1960 and succeeded to create the 3rd power in the diet by forming Komeito. After a scandal over the publication of an anti Sokagakkai book, he was forced to leave the presidency in 1979 but still keeps an influence.

Ishihara Shintaro

alternative words: Shintaro Ishihara, Ishihara Shintarou, Shintarou Ishihara
keywords: statesman, writer
related topics: Jiminto
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Born in 1932 in Hyogo prefecture. A novel written when he was a student at Hitotsubashi university, "Taiyo no kisetsu" won the prestigious Akutagawa prize. He was elected in senate in 1968 with a record vote, then in diet in 1972 with the banner of Jiminto. As a member of Seirankai group inside Jiminto, he advocated a strong Japan by writing "Japan that can say no". He resigned from House Member in 1995 by accusing Jiminto of opposing to progress. He was elected as a mayor of Tokyo in 1999.

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