Online dictionary of Afghanistan war: United front,Uzbek

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United front

alternative words: Northern alliance, United Islamic front, United Islamic front for the salvation of Afghanistan
keywords: islam, organization
related topics: Taliban , Jamiat i Islami , Hezb e Islami , King Zahir , Tajik , Mujahideen , Abdul Qassim Fahim , Panjshir valley
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explanation: After the fall of Kabul in 1996, many Mujahideen groups who had fight one against another beforehand formed a coalition force against Taliban unless they might disappear. It includes Rabbani and Masoud of Jamiat i Islami and an ex communist general, Abdul Rashid Dostam. They are now confined to the northeastern region by Taliban and control only 10% of Afghanistan. Most of the fighters are Tajiks and claim to support a moderate Islam. They are now trying to form a coalition government with ex king Zahir.


alternative words: Uzbeks
keywords: race
related topics: Afghanistan , Mazar i Sharif , Abdul Rashid Dostam
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explanation: Uzbeks are a minority (about 5% of the total population) living in the northern Afghanistan on the both side of border with Uzbekistan. They speak a variant of Turkish language and believe Sunni Islam. Ex soviet general and warlord of Mazar-i-Sharif, Abdul Rashid Dostam is an Uzbek.

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Last update: 18/08/08 21:17